I think the nicest bit about this recipe is that its so simple to make but more than that it's so easy to make so long as you treat it with a bit of resepect..
1-200grpackage of smoked salmonor best quality you can afford
3dlheavy cream
3tbspdillfinely chopped
1dlgrated Parmesan
salt & freshly ground pepper to taste
Put a pot of salted water on to boil for the pasta.
Saute the shallots in the olive oil until translucent then add the white wine. Cook until almost all the wine has evaporated. Remove from the pan.
In the second 2 tbsp of oil saute the sliced mushrooms for about 5 minutes to nicely color them then add the cream and return the shallot back to the pan. Add half the dill and reduce the cream by half. Salt and pepper to taste now.
When the water boils add the pasta and set a timer following the package instructions.
Save a little of the pasta water in a cup to thin the sauce if you need to. Remove the pasta and strain when they are cooked and immediately put the pasta into the saute pan and coat it with the sauce. Sprinkle over the Parmesan it should help thicken the sauce. If the sauce is too thick you can thin it with a bit of the water.
Bring the whole pan heat everything through. Add the snow peas and the shrimp and heat through, Taste for salt and pepper one more time and immediately turn the pasta out on to a large serving dish.
Take the slices of smoked salmon and tear them into large bite size peaces and decorate the top of the pasta and sprinkle over the last of the dill. Serve immediately.
Almost any tubular pasta will do. You can replace the tiny shrimp for normal size shrimp but I suggest that you saute them separately in a little butter and add them at the end. Be sure to rinse the shrimp in a little cold water to get rid of the brine they come in, and drain them on a bit of paper towel.The tiny shrimp from ICA or Hemköp aren't the best, they are already over cooked in the container. I know the price of those are about 41 kronor, the good hand peeled shrimp will cost at least double that, but those are the ones to use. You need to keep in mind that the shrimp and salmon are already cooked and to cook them any further will only ruin them. Once you add the shrimp you only need to make them warm enough to serve.I never incorporate the salmon to the dish, by the time you get it to the table it would be solidly cooked and in eatable. Much better to use it on top and it makes the whole dish look beautiful and impressive.