60mlvegetable oilyou can use conola oil or other unflavored oil
60mlmaple syrup
75grdried cranberries
75grraisonseither dark or blond
Preheat the oven to 125C degrees
Start with the nuts. Cut each hazelnuts in half and break up the walnuts into 4 or five pieces. I find it easier to get the right size using my hands instead of a knife on the walnuts.
Then add all the dry ingredients. Don't add the fruit!
Mix it up well with your hands. Then add the maple syrup and oil and with a large spoon mix well but gently to evenly incorporate the the wet ingredients.
Pour the mixture onto a flat oven tray and spread it out evenly. Then place in the oven for 50 minutes. Remove the tray every 20 minutes and stir the muesli to to help it toast evenly.
When done remove from the oven and add the dried fruit and mix well. Then return to the oven for 10 minutes.
When done I usually pour this out on to a piece of baking paper and let it cool then store in a glass mason jar.
This is a wonderful recipe and its surprising that Muesli can be so good. It would make a great gift to take to a friends. It will truly make you look forward to breakfast that's for sure.You can run into problems with this recipe and once and a great while I have burned it and had to throw it all way. Since maple syrup is so expensive and nuts aren't a bargain either, it's really important to know your oven. Mine is a real horror story and I hate it but have learned a couple of tricks that help.If you have a convection oven with a fan use it. It will help toast the mix evenly, but it will take a little less time to make the muesli so keep an eye on it.If you don't have a convection oven and it came with a roasting pan DON'T use it. They usually block the heat from raising over and around the pan. In my oven it can be 250 degrees under it and 100 over it. That's when you burn it.Use a pan that gives you a few centimeters/inches all the way around the pan so the heat will rise and fill the oven evenly.I eat this about 4 mornings each week sprinkled over a little natural yogurt.I store mine in a 2 liter mason jar but any air tight container works well. This will keep about 3 weeks in a cool, dark, dry cabinet.