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Made truly international thanks to Carrie from Sex in the City. The Cosmopolitan ruled the cocktail circuit throughout the late 90’s and into 2000. It’s lingering popularity is due to the fact that’s it’s really a very tasty drink! Cosmopolitans are great any time of the day! They lend themselves to be made by the batch.

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This is a great anytime drink from late afternoon into the early hours of the morning and has become in the last couple of years very popular again. It’s a great warm weather drink that can be made in bulk before hand.

If you are going to make several of these at one time,

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Vodka Martini

Vodka Martini

Simply the worlds most sophisticated cocktail. Nothing says cocktails before dinner quite like a Vodka Martini.

Let me suggest Smirnoff Vodka or the Russian Stolichanaya also known as Stoli!  Far smoother than most others. One can drink it straight without gagging to death. A great vodka pretty much goes down like water.

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Bloody Mary’s by the bucket load

Bill’s Bloody Mary’s by the bucket load.

I love Bloody Mary’s and although one is usually enough they are perfect for brunches and great for chasing away the gremlins that might be haunting you from the night before’s festivities.

This is 3 recipes for 1 drink, 10-12 drinks,

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